- The British Jihad Against Violence gets some coverage in Common Ground News.
- USA Today profiles Kulsoom Abdullah’s and her fight to wear hijab during weightlifting competitions.
- Women in rural Bangladesh raise money for their own microfinance programs.
- British Muslim men are urged to “find women from within their own community” instead of “outsourcing” wives.
- Muslim women in parts of Australia would be required to remove their veils and show police their faces under a new law proposed in one of the country’s state legislatures. Meanwhile, Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship Minister Nick Kotsiras said that he was comfortable with Muslim women wearing the burqa and full-face veil niqab.
- How some German Muslims, including women, are held back by stereotypes in the workplace.
- Lingerie shops in Saudi Arabia are targeted for raids by the morality police because of female clerks, despite an official decree that women should work in them.
- Asra Nomani writes about ending gender segregation in U.S. mosques.
- AltMuslimah explores the idea behind the Obedient Wives’ Club.
If you see news we’ve missed this week about Muslim women, feel free to leave links in the comments!