In case you haven’t heard enough about Bill 94 from my two posts this week, I wanted to let you know that today, December 3, is a day of action against the bill. Below are some suggested actions from the Non/No Bill 94 Coalition:
Speak up! Write, email, phone, fax Quebec Premier Jean Charest, along with Minister of Immigration and Cultural Communities Yolande James, Minister of Justice Kathleen Weil, and Minister of Culture, Communications & the Status of Women Christine St-Pierre to voice your concern regarding the discriminatory Bill 94. CC us at along with your Member of Parliament, Member of the Legislative Assembly, and Member of Provincial Parliament. You can also send a message to Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Michael Ignatieff, M.P., Liberal Leader. Find their contact information here.
Host email hubs where friends, co-worker, communities and individuals can send messages opposing Bill 94 via our Emailer. Find No/Non Bill 94 Emailer here. The emailer will send a message directly to Quebec Premier Jean Charest, along with Minister of Immigration and Cultural Communities Yolande James, Minister of Justice Kathleen Weil, and Minister of Culture, Communications and the Status of Women Christine St-Pierre to voice your concern regarding the discriminatory Bill 94. Find talking points and contacts here.
Circulate this call to action widely to your networks, friends, allies, co-workers. Have conversations with them about your concerns about Bill 94 and refer them to articles on the proposed legislation. Find resources here.
Organize a rally in your community or attend ours in Toronto on December 3rd to oppose and spread awareness about Bill 94.
Change your Facebook/Twitter/Tumbler display picture to a No/Non Bill 94 image/poster. Find image/poster here. You can also change your status to link the Emailer. Find the Emailer link here.