Holy crap! It’s June! Muslimah Media Watch would like to congratulate all of our readers who are graduating this month (or graduated next month). Including meeeeeeeeeeee! Congratulations, ladies (and gentlemen)!
• Muslim women involved in Al-Qaeda challenge the group’s disassociation with its female members. Via Ali Eteraz.
• French court grants a man an annulment from his wife. He got uppity and filed for an annulment because she wasn’t a virgin. Aftermath of the decision here.
• Meet a female director in Egypt who uses her camera to candidly explore the varied lives of women.
• The Daily Mail profiles a homeless woman who lives at Heathrow airport, and isn’t the only one. May Allah protect her.
• Canada gets its first Muslim Girl Guide Group.
• Afghan women are increasingly turning to art to express themselves.
• Sisters magazine & Ummah Foods surveyed Muslim women in the U.K. and published the results here. Via Ijtema.
• Hwaa Irfan talks about Muslim women’s sexuality.
• Bangladesh’s former prime minister Khaleda Zia began her corruption trial on Wednesday.
• Kiran Ansari talks about Muslims on the silver screen.
• The Earth Times examines how Moroccan women navigate both Islam and feminism.
• The Gazette speaks to local Muslim women in Colorado Springs about inequalities they see applied to their faith in things like mosque culture.
• Miss Conduct looks at fashion blogs for Muslim women. Plus, she gives us some link love!
• The New York Times follows U.S. women’s colleges as they recruit students in the Middle East.
• RadioFreeEurope examines the outcry after Turkey’s Diyanet published a list of “Dos & Don’ts” for women.
• T
he Muslimahs Speak Up! Blog Carnival deadline is fast approaching! You can submit through June 8. Go here to speak up! Go here for details!
• Turkish courts annul the decision to allow headscarves at universities.
• Dr. Hayat Sindi kicks major ass. Generally so, but specifically at an award ceremony in Saudi Arabia.
• A woman in Kabul, Afghanistan was killed by a bomb blast. May Allah give her peace.
• The number of women who commit suicide in Iraq is increasing, and has prompted Safiya al-Suhayl, an independent member of the Iraqi Parliament, to appeal for a national solution.
• Voice of America looks at Condolezza Rice’s “One Woman Initative,” which aims to support women’s empowerment in countries with large Muslim populations.
- Singapore’s only Muslim women group plans to revamp itself to accommodate a changing constituency.
- Najla Al Awadhi muses on the differences between the life of the prophet’s wife Khadijah and what modern-day Kuwaiti women live with in the wake of Kuwait’s latest election results.
- The Guardian’s Riazat Butt writes about gender apartheid in Saudi Arabia and speaks with successful Saudi photographer Susan Baaghil.
- Leila Hussein, mother of 17-year-old Rand that was murdered by her father, has been killed in Iraq. May Allah bring her peace. Via ArabComment.