Last week, featured a briefing from Oxford Analytica entitled, “Why So Many Female Bombers?”
The article outlines several reasons that there seem to be so many “female bombers”, according to Forbes and the rest of the news networks:
- Maternal loss
- Nationalism
- Absolution from sins
- Exploitation
I’ll get to these reasons in a minute.
A major problem with the article is that it throws out a percentage without referencing any studies or giving us hard statistics to back up their assertion that “female bombers” are growing in number. Nor does it tell us where Oxford Analytica got this information; the Oxford Analytica is “Oxford Analytica is an independent strategic-consulting firm drawing on a network of more than 1,000 scholar experts at Oxford and other leading universities and research institutions around the world.” Who are these leading universities and research institutions? Conservative think-tanks? Liberal arts colleges? Who?
With the exception of the “Exploitation” explanation, this is the same tripe that Forbes & Oxford Analytica gave us last September. I don’t have the energy to get angry about this, so please read my earlier post, which covers pretty much everything.