This letter appeared originally on Islam’s Green. It is an open letter from Muddassar Arani, a Muslim lawyer who has been singled out by the media.
She needs our assistance. I have included abridged comments here, as well as her email address so that you may contact her with your prayers and/or assistance.
She writes:
“I am being targeted merely because I happen to be a Muslim, a woman who wears the headscarf. I need the assistance from the Muslim community to stand by me as I feel isolated and let down by the community whom I have always defended and who have turned to me in their hour of need; and now I am being persecuted because I have stood up and defended those who do not have a voice or who have been ostracised by the Muslim community themselves because of fear of being targeted with the same brush of extremism. “
“I am one of the several solicitors from various firms that have undertaking terrorism case work. No other non-Muslim lawyer who represents rapist, terrorist and paedophiles has been subjected to a similar smear campaign. No other non-Muslim lawyer is subjected to such blatant racist and religiously discriminatory comments in the media, even those who represent suspects accused of far worse offences then the clients I represent. In fact when the press report on other solicitors like myself in this field of work, they are referred to as “human rights lawyer”, whereas in comparison I am labelled a “Muslim terror suspect lawyer” or “terrorist lawyer.” This is clear indication that due to the fact I am a Muslim I am regarded as a terrorist sympathiser because I represent Muslim suspects.
The affect of this hate campaign which has lasted for some considerable time, has resulted in me receiving a barrage of death threats, hate mails, and abusive telephone calls. When I receive vile hate mail from members of the public, they cut out these very articles that have been published against me, with vile comments and pictures on them threatening to kill me. Members of the public write to say I deserve the same punishment as my clients. I have been called a “Muslim Bitch”, told to “go back home” and “accused of robbing the taxpayer by representing foreign wogs.” The militant fascist wing of the National Front group, Combat 18 which has been banned in the UK, has my details on their website saying I am a foreigner and terrorist lover who should be shot between the eyes. They published the details of my firm and a picture of me which was obtained from the adverse press articles on me.”
“I want to thank you for the time in reading this letter and pray that I will not be let down by my fellow Muslims, I sincerely hope we can work together to show those who for years have exploited the weakness of the Ummah through divide and rule that Muslims now can unite in defence of justice even if it is against ourselves, Insha’allah. I look forward to hearing from you.
Can you please confirm if you are willing to assist and provide your details so we can contact you and discuss this further, my contact details are:”